Stumbled upon

I was walking around the Durban stadium just wanting to shoot some interesting angles of the architecture and I came across this beauty, just sitting there almost as if she was prepped to have a shoot done. Cleaned and positioned almost perfectly. (I would moved her just a smidgen) The Mercedes Benz SLK BLACK is just beautiful to look at. Just dumbfounded as to why a yellow car is called BLACK..

Mercedes Benz SLK BLACK Mercedes Benz SLK BLACK Mercedes Benz SLK BLACK Mercedes Benz SLK BLACK

Toyota MR-2

I never really get a decent opportunity to shoot cars, although this is something I would have loved to have been able to shoot. Since first I started, cars has always been a favorite of mine, but I have always had to “cheat”. That is grab a shot of a cool car somewhere, be lucky in the sense that there is some form of good light available and then edit the photo later on. I will upload more on my main page but for now, here is a lovely Toyota MR-2 to gawk over, hope you like!

Toyota MR 2, super car, toyota fast car, yellow car

Photographs and usage

Is usage something that keeps you up at nights, do you even know what usage is? What do people mean when they speak about using photographs, when I pay photographer for pictures, don’t I own them? In many ways this is a very complicated and difficult subject to handle. Try to imagine the following scenario. Photography is a business, which means that although we love what we do, we also need to make a living and provide enough financial throughput to retire one day, we have no big company supporting most of our expenses.

Black Widow, Romanov, costume, Sashi


Getting photos taken is like having a custom made car made just for you, in a way. That’s the standard business model. Make a product that you can sell millions of, that way it’s kinda affordable and you will make money for the business to pay employees and expand etc. We don’t and usually are not able to take the photos from an assignment and sell millions of copies and make money from them, especially for certain specialized jobs. So usage is kinda like renting a DVD, you pay for time that you are able to rent the movie and watch it and enjoy it. Or that is the principle.

But before I get things horribly wrong, please go have a look at this excellent article on the subject written by experts on the matter – A guide to photography usage terms

Spinning is good yes

Well only until someone falls down.

Aluminium flask

Here is spinning flask I found in my kitchen. Must have been the steam or something..